Exhibit at the Fair.
Dear Diary,
Our historical society had an exhibit at the Ossipee Valley Fair this weekend and we were awarded a blue ribbon for our rendition of "Grandma's Attic"! I created a "dress up corner" for the kids. I remember the fun of trying on old clothes and pretending all sorts of things. Houses aren't made with attics anymore and that is a shame. It was such a mysterious and wonderful place for a kid.
Our minds have attics though. It is where we carefully store away our past and it is quite enlightening to dig through those old trunks of memory. You can never me sure what you will uncover or what it will reveal to you.
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.
- Oscar Wilde
ps. I didn't get the focus quite right in this photograph but isn't that the way with our memories? Some are sharp and some are slightly out of focus, especially the difficult ones.
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