Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Dreams can come true!

We're in Melbourne tonight and honestly CCN and I are just so proud. Ever since we met her beautiful daughter-in-law almost 10 years ago she has told us about her dream to open her own Sushi restaurant. I know how important it is to have a dream to start with and with that dream the passion to fulfil your dream.

We had a wonderful night with the family, it was fantastic to see what has been achieved since we were in Melbourne just three months ago. Finally "I Dream of Sushi" Takeaway - is set to open and CCN and I were there tonight with her beautiful son, daughter-in-law and wonderful little granddaughters to celebrate with the final dress rehearsal. Believe me, this girl can cook! It was an absolute feast.
No prize for guessing what we'll be eating for the next fortnight.

"You'e got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream,
How, you gonna make a dream come true"

South Pacific the Musical

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