Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Seven Mile Bridge

The view on Seven Mile Bridge which is just the other side of the next Key to us.

Last night we drove to Key West, it really does have the feeling of being at the end of the line, quirky and vibrant. The journey home was eventful; first there was the most incredible sunset I have ever seen over to the west. At the same time a huge full moon was rising in the east, but ahead of us was an enormous electrical storm with fork lightning shooting down to the horizon. John said he hoped the storm didn't hit us while we were on the Seven Mile Bridge; of course it hit when we were 3 miles in. The bridge is very narrow, no hard shoulder or lights and a crash barrier that looks totally insufficient given the size of most American cars; it was already dark and the torrential rain reduced visibility to virtually zero. Horrible. Glad I wasn't driving.

The boys are out on a Segway tour so Sarah and I are relaxing for a while before we hit Dunkin Donuts!

Tomorrow we head north and on Tuesday I fulfil a lifelong dream by going to Cape Canaveral. I am very excited.

Thank you for all the lovely comments you have been leaving on my holiday snaps - I am trying to keep up with journals.

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