Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle

View from @ArdrossFarmShop towards Elie #EastNeuk

One of our group had decided to set off to walk the Fife Coastal Path from Crail to St Andrews today, and I was left to sterner pursuits like trying to extract the teens from bed to get them outdoors. Youth of today!

A trip to Pittenweem Chocolate at the Cocoa Tree Cafe was requested for lunch, and then we headed to Ardross Farm shop to stock up on some salad and veg to add to our meal for the evening.

I'd driven past a couple of times earlier in the week, and spotted these poppies, so it was great to be able to take a quick walk past the main gate to the car park to capture the angle. The building in the distance is Lady's Tower which I blipped last week.

My OH enjoyed the walk to St Andrews and I'd like to go too next time!

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