Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Mini Triathlon

It's 7 weeks to go until I tackle my first half ironman distance triathlon and reality and training is starting to get ramped up!

Having worked about 8hours overtime this week it's eaten in to my training time and left me feeling pooped!

Today I cycled with J and L the Frome Triathlon bike route and then ran the run route to make sure they are fully prepared for entering their first triathlon.

Then for good measure I went to the pool and swam 2km (to my surprise that's 80 lengths in a 25m pool)!

No to relax.

I've lost the love of Blipping at the moment more of a chore and my imagination has gone think it's been replaced by swimming, biking and running, I'm sure I will get my mojo back at some point but bear with me till that happens and sorry for the lack of comments.

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