Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's a serious business ....

... running a railway.

Young Master L. dropped by with his parents to take delivery of a box of Brio that his 17 year old cousin no longer needs (he now has a girlfriend and some ice skates). Took the process very seriously - tried out all the engines, inspected the track, made sure the engine house was fit for purpose.

Otherwise our day consisted of:

Taking the old fridge to the dump (heavy work)
Going to see a cat that we are thinking of offering a home to (as if four wasn't enough)
Looking for the famous disappearing Dylan (who was eventually found locked in the laundry yet again and had to be released by prising open a rollover door)
Cleaning out a cupboard where we keep all our cleaning equipment (may not sound much to you but this is the cupboard from tangled up hell)
Generally dejunked and shopped

Still lots to do but unfortunately, back to work tomorrow ...

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