Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

Bath toys

This morning Daddy went to work and me and Mummy had a quiet morning. Mummy needed to go and collect her new glasses, so because it was a really hot and sunny day, we walked into town, which I think takes about an hour but I slept for most of it. We got to the glasses shop and got her new glasses, and then met Daddy. We walked around some shops and then Daddy noticed that there was a problem with Mummy's glasses so we had to go back to the glasses shop, and now she has to wait another week until they're sorted! So it's a good job it was a nice day to go into town for nothing! The rest of the day was quiet at home with Mummy and Daddy. They gave me a bath and gave me some toys to play with, as I'm getting really good at doing bathtime now. The boat made bubbles under the water and I tried to catch them, but I kept losing them!

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