The portrait painter!

Today it was a raining heavily here in the afternoon. I spend all morning in the bed not feeling well . I was exhausted but still I went to Cambridge for an exhibition at 3 o'clock. Rebecca one friend of my art group came to my house to collect me . She was very kind if not I couldn't manage to drive myself today.
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
We saw the landscapes of Melanie Max exhibition in Kaetsu centre , Murray Edward College. Them affter that we went to see the portraits exhibition in the Girton college of different artists. Really nice portraits .
In the end still we had time to go for one more at the way home .
This is Heloise in her working studio. She is painting these two beautiful sisters for a commission. She is so young and very good artist with a big talent. We went around to see her work and really we enjoyed it a lot . She was very friendly and we had a nice chat with her . Rebecca asked her a few interesting questions and she answered very kindly about the paintings . She has nice portraits on the wall as you can see in the picture. Most of them are family and friends but as well she was painting some famous people.
I asked her for a picture when she was working in this doble portrait and she smiled and was very happy to pose for me. I will go to visit her again . I hope .
It was a nice afternoon despite the rain. We didn't go around Cambridge centre but I got my blip for today .
Thanks a lot for the stars and lovely comments for my old English cottage yesterday. It is like a fairytale.
Hope you enjoy my artistic blip and have a nice day . keep smile deslite the rain. haha!

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