
By CharlesJamieson

Few people, if any, know the shifting sand bars of Monomoy off Cape Cod better than John McGrath. John and his wife Ann decided to take us out there. As John says...if you don't go out there for four weeks, don't expect to find anything you know.
You just don't go there unless you are with someone who knows what they are doing.
As it is we saw two boats who were stranded on the bars. It's a long wait till the tide comes in. John said that yesterday there were a dozen boats stranded.
We zig zagged our way through the channels and finally stopped by a large sand bar and John and I got off and went for a walk. What a fantastic landscape...never seen anything like it. The bird life was fantastic.
This is John, beer in hand. We had a great talk on those sands. Good man. I hope he comes and visits us in Scotland.

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