Royal Palace, Bangkok

Out of some 250 shots, this was the DBS = Designated Blip Shot for today.

The grandeur of the palaces and temples reminded me of Rajasthan, India, which we visited 1.5 years ago.

Hubby likes to remind me of what happens when politics and religion get cozy. Beautiful architecture, nonetheless. The King is adored by the people and I guess, in that case, this is okay. None of our business. You tend to stare your eyes out, though, as you walk around.

Not much time to comment as the battery of the laptop is running low. Need to buy an adaptor tomorrow so I can recharge.

THANK YOU for visiting yesterday! The moment I am able, I will respond.

Meanwhile, hubby is already at the pool and I'm going to get a shower. A hot flush while wandering around in 30-degree heat isn't exactly comfortable.

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