out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

It's the Red Arrows......honestly.....!

Today's appalling air show offering is the fly past of the Red Arrows as they officially opened the trade show week, taken from the top of the car park
Although it's not a very good photo of the planes, I quite liked the overall effect with the clouds and part of the streetscape.
The public days are next Weekend, but I still can't decide whether to go or not
It is very expensive, but I am in that dangerous "sod the expense, you only live once and let's have a Jamie Oliver picnic and some grandstand seating while we're at it" frame of mind!

Thank you for all your good wishes about the new beginning :-)
It's nothing earth shattering, but it's a step in the right direction
However, it involves an awkward conversation, which I have volunteered to have
Tomorrow, if I'm brave enough
What's the worst that can happen....!!?? :-O

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