Umbrella Day


Rather impressed with this image though. Straight out of the camera. Nothing done to it apart from resize.

Not impressed with the idiot Ferrari driver who rocked up, parked in front of me, and then spent 5 minutes trying to decide whether he was going to re-pose the car for a photograph that he would buy, or not.

He decided that he didn't really want to spend 8E.

But not before he had consumed my time and prevented me getting a bunch of traffic on the pass by blocking my view and wasting my time. (Including a group of 6 bikers!! My bread and butter customer.)


Look, I don't care if you buy or not, but please don't prevent me taking shots of other people whilst you decide, especially when it's a 150,000E car and I take 8E snaps. Some of us don't get to drive Ferraris and still have to make a living.

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