S1 - Another Day

By S1

Feeding the ducks

Today started with a swim at the hotel for CJ and I, while S2 did some work before his meeting. Then it was back into the car to continue our journey south and the swim had worked its magic as CJ napped most of the way!

After a stop for lunch and S2's meeting we continue the trip south. S2 was dropped in Newbury to head with his old work mates and I continued on to N&A&C&O's.

C and CJ had been great mates before we moved to Edinburgh, so it was great to see them playing nicely again! And N and I had a lot to catch up on - we have definitely missed them since moving north.

After dinner we headed down to the stream to feed to ducks. There were plenty of smiles and giggles as the boys threw the bread over the fence and had a run around.

All to soon it was time for bed.

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