Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

We had barely been up for an hour and Isaac was bringing me his jacket and hat to put on (he was already wearing shoes!) so he could go outside. I went out with him to hang up the washing and Amelie came out too. We pottered for the rest of the morning and Isaac napped. When he woke we took Amelie to nursery and came back for lunch and to play outside again (and have a shop delivered!) He loves playing with a ball, so that's what we did. I would kick it to him then he would pick it up and come charging towards me with it, I'm thinking maybe we should get him a rugby ball?! Then I would throw and he would go and get it. I shouted ready steady and he would shout GO! But more often than not it was before is said steady! Back to nursery to get Amelie and she scooted home. I managed to get them both down to sleep within 45 mins tonight! Amelie made me laugh, after her story she said she loved me so much that I might cry! Bit of a strange one but I appreciate the sentiment!

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