
By Fisherking


Buy one get one free..........two blips for the price of one.

I've been really struggling to come up with blips just recently........can't think of any good photos.......can't think what to write.

Maybe it's because we're winding down to the end.....not just the end of a term........not just the end of a year........but the end of an era. When the work Boss reaches the end of Thursday......that's it....he's gone....and a huge hole will be in his place.........Thursday evening will probably be the last time I'll have a beer with him!

So two quick blips.......

Sunday: would have been titled 22-7-8 and 1-0.

22lbs 7 oz and 8 biggest match weight by far........I've caught big weights while pleasure fishing but doing it in a match is much harder......14-20 anglers all trying to entice the fish to I was well pleased.....still only good enough for 6th place though!

And in other sporting news Germany won the WC final glad Argentina didn't win!

Monday: would have been titled Awards...our Award Ceremony tonight.....the main man's last official good to see so many of our youngsters winning awards..........but tinged with concern about hebs..who was in obvious pain.......and more worryingly didn't argue when I ordered her to go home.

And that's all I have so I'm off to bed for a sleepless night........the Boss is on night shifts again!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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