Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Top gun

Nikki and the wee man set off today for a full day of flying to catch up with Nikki's relatives in Oklahoma. It was a particularly long day for him, with a 6.30am rise and a 10pm bedtime but Nikki said he was on stellar form all day, albeit with perhaps a little too much energy for his mum.

When going through security at the airport, Nikki had to take the wee man out of the stroller so she could fold it up and put it through the scanner. No sooner had his feet touched the ground, he was off and racing, leaving his Mum behind with all the bags as he sauntered through the security scanner. The security guard was quite impressed - 'he clearly knows what to do!'

He continued to run around while they waited for the first flight and Nikki told me she struggled to keep an eye on him and their carry-ons but, luckily, she was saved by the arrival of a 4yr old girl who sat nearby, and decided to jump around Ernie like she was a frog, much to Ernie's delight. He clearly made an impression oh her, too, as NIkki said she could hear the girl several rows back on the flight, saying to her Grandma, 'where's Ernie?!! I wanna go see Ernie!!' He's gonna be a heartbreaker.

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