Reclining Buddha, Bangkok

More about it here ...

Sunny today! The heat without the sun and under thick clouds is different from direct heat from the sun, but the end result is the same -- 30 to 35 degrees. Unrelenting. By now, though, I can feel my body adjusting, and about time, too.

Hubby needed a relaxing day, though, so he spent the day sleeping and swimming. Good for him!

Shot taken at Wat Po temple complex. Before that, I'd already visited Wat Arun across the river. Actually, I took it easy today as well because, well, I no longer feel like I'm 20 ... hahaha! Adjustments, adjustments ... realism tends to kick in at the most unexpected moments. The trick is to anticipate them and learn to hang out instead of rushing everywhere like one used to.

In short, we decided not to visit any of the floating markets any more. Had you been hoping for that, so sorry but it'll have to be shelved till next time ... if there is a next time.

Found my adaptor and I am very happy about that. Now, why, you might ask, didn't I just buy one at Schiphol Airport on our way out? Simple -- at Schiphol it would have cost me an average of 30 euros and here in Bangkok it cost me only 4 euros. Yes, one must take advantage of these things. The good thing is that it'll come in handy now for wherever else we'll be going to ... you'll see!

Will do my best to respond to comments but hope you'll understand if I can't or don't. I would like to THANK YOU all, nevertheless, for taking the trouble to drop by. Will do my best to visit as well.

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