horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Ah Rats!

For a long time it was thought that the Brown Rat originated in Norway (indeed it’s Latin name is Rattus norvegicus), but recent (20th century) research confirmed its Asian origin. But the rat has populated the world, and while the old adage of never being more than 6feet from a rat in London is an urban myth, they are certainly adaptable urban dwellers. Edinburgh is no different from any other urban area, and there’s every chance of seeing a rat at any turn (though they’re more likely to have scarpered after hearing you long before spotted).

But keep your eyes peeled, especially near water. The Water of Leith and the Canal are prime areas, with my latest sighting in the Figgate Park. But I've spotted one in Princes Street Gardens, and I’ve seen them scurrying down steps in Morrison Street.

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