
By MelanieMay

"here I am, signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours"

The one thing guaranteed to make me leap out of bed in the morning is the sound of the postman ringing the door bell. Usually I am always massivly disappointed as he asked me to sign for something for my brother, the shit, but today a package arrived all for me! Ok, so I was expecting it but it was still nice to rip it open and see what was inside. So I bought a Fitbit flex, a wearable fitness tracker that is suppose to tell you how far you have walked, how many calories you have burned and how well you sleep at night. It is designed to get you moving more, and it did, I went out for a run tonight just so I could try it out and see how accurate it is. So I huffed and puffed for 5km and then sprinted upstair to sync the thing up to my laptop and boom! Fail! Could not complete sync! Device not found. Computer says no. Typical! No idea what I did wrong or how to fix it but no doubt I'll stay up all night trying to get it working. On the plus side, it did get me out for a run!

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