
By OldTimer

Pretty Chook

I take scraps around to my friends chooks so after making more soup today took a walk around the corner with the peelings. This chook is so pretty with a ring neck pattern in her feathers.
Got three blips but don't know how to do a collage. First stop to visit my friend in a wheelchair because of medical misadventure. He is so brave and does so much. Busy repairing the play centre chairs and painting them. Next stop a 75 year old friend with the most amazing birthday cake. She was a coloured sheep breeder and also has a passion for donkeys, the cake was awesome with a donkey on one corner and a black sheep on the other.
However next stop to feed the chooks and who can resist a pretty hen.

My next bedroom has been undercoated and gets its top coat on Friday , then back to normality whatever that is. Will shampoo the carpets as well. Ahead for the spring cleaning.

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