twinned with trumpton


A Mars a Day...

Slow start after late night;

Left with DIY kit around 11; up there and unloaded everything, radio on and started with the pulley.

Spent ages trying and failing to get beams. So went for a baton across the ceiling and used that to anchor it all. Then shelves up and fixed bathroom cabinet.

She arrived back, poured scorn on the work done, and we headed across town for dinner around 3.

Really too early for dinner so we enjoyed the sunshine a while; I made the mistake of checking FB and seeing Bob had messaged me - a very angry self righteous missive. Spent a long time poring over that before cooking cod, new potatoes with spinach blue cheese and a choc bread and butter pudding.

B bad penultimate episode; and eventually after a German victory, she reluctantly prised herself off the sofa onto the last 16 home.

We chatted later until wee small hours. Late late night.

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