Terms of Endearment.

This license plate was sent to me many years ago by my brother, when he was living in Seattle. Cariad , is a term of endearment in Welsh meaning , Love. As you can see, it is hanging in the garage. J dropped me at the gym this morning and i then visited the library and took a blip but it wasn't very good. I then walked to town and went to the bank and then to Poundland. I spent £6 and gave him a ten pound note. When i got outside with my receipt and change in my hand i noticed he had given me change of a twenty pound note. I went back in, and asked if i could have a quiet word with him. I explained what had happened, and he called a young guy who was obviously a supervisor. He said they would have to check the till and took the till drawer out and went upstairs. I waited ages and when he came down, he said that yes i was right, he had given me £10 too much. He briefly said thank you, and then said, next ,to the customers waiting. I wonder why i bothered now. I caught the bus home and wondered if honesty is still the best policy!

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