
By WeeDragon_J

Homemade has Arrived

MT dropped off jams to CP, Mum (Mum's rhubarb) and then to me :-D)))

We went for tea, scone and chat to Cloudberry's, but got too noisy and busy for me, so down to Cramond for a peaceful sit at the river.

Homemade rhubarb and ginger jam and raspberry jam shining in the evening sunlight.

Was snoozing this afternoon and given a bit of a fright by a squeaking door, "who's there?"

"The wind storm here", got up thinking I'd slept into the evening as it was dark, trees swaying a lot, then water running down the windows as the storm deluge only for a short time, close all windows that side of the house.

Now have sun shining in those windows and blue sky out the others and trees have a bit of peace in them too.

Ah! Now going to test the rhubarb and ginger... yummy yum!

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