
By LadyFindhorn


I'm coming round to the fact that my friends and family are correct in thinking that I am slightly mad and obsessive - these being only two of my many negative attributes. I can see these people whispering to each other behind their hands discussing my failings and perhaps wondering where to send me.
How else could you explain why I felt compelled to leave the castle at o'cock-a-doodle time to cycle in the pitch darkness of a Monday morning in January to a gym where there were only about 6 other seriously disturbed insomniacs and raise my heart rate to 178 ( I kid you not!), cycle back home to luxuriate in a hot shower and cosy surroundings, only to exit again a little later into a cold raw morning to wander a bit to find a blip for today? You must have to be a bit off the wall to do that when the alternative is so much more appealing. It's not as if I had to go to work, being a lady of a certain age. Which brings me back to the HR of 178. That is off the scale on the graph attached to the aerobic machines for my elderly years, but I pride myself on still being alive and kicking.

Ahead of me today, I have an afternoon of socialising and then, if I am still awake at 6.30pm I will take a walk down to Susie's Diner to see which blippers have turned up.

Tomorrow is another day as they say.

The blip today is the mysterious breech in the wall outside the Scotsman Hotel. Whatever fell through would have had quite a dramatic drop to Market Street below.

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