In the Pink

We have been luck with no rain today but we did have some heavy falls over night.. it has been really cold and the sun wasn't smiling much today. My afternoon was spent finishing off sorting Aunty Nancy's stamps and the old coins. There was mostly penny's with the oldest one being 1887. Must hunt out my old collection and see what penny's I have missing to make up sets. I did find a few half crowns along with some sixpences and threepence's. It sure took me back in time today.

I took a few shots of the waterlogged flowers and none seemed to catch my eye so had a play with this pink rhododendron. The poor thing was really soaked and was showing signs of going brown.

Pink and Really Sweet

Truly pink and really sweet
Is this gorgeous flower
Nothing can glow as much as this sweet pink flower
So nice, so true and so pink
Eternal it is in presence
Sweet and pink is the glorious nature of this flower
The end is never to be since this shining organism will
never perish
These are gentle words for this special beauty.
Rohit Sapra

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