Ecological disaster
Well, not quite, but the back of our back garden is getting close.
I ventured down there with Mishka this afternoon, when the rain finally cleared.
The weeds are sky high, and the ground is a bog.
This pretty flower is tiny, but the plant it grows on is a pernicious smothering rambling weed. One plant can cover several square metres of ground. They are easy to grub up, but at the moment, I'm not sure it would be a good idea with the soil so wet. I've no idea what it's called, but it's certainly a noxious weed in South Australia.
And if it's not it should be. I've just learnt something: here's what Mr. Wiki says about this dreadful plant. (Take it from me, it's ramping all over my back yard).
Fumaria capreolata is an herbaceous annual plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae. It is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa and naturalised in southern Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America. Common names include climbing fumitory, ramping fumitory, white fumitory, white ramping fumitory and white-flower fumitory.
Plants have stems to 1 metre long and sometimes climb. The leaves are pinnatisect. Inflorescences comprise up to 20 purple-tipped white to cream flowers that appear in spring and summer. These gradually become pink after pollination.
Unlike other Fumaria species which are known as weeds of crops and agricultural areas, Fumaria capreolata can become naturalised in areas of natural vegetation and smother low-growing plants, becoming an environmental weed.
A million thank yous for all the so very kind comments, stars and hearts on my 2 year blip yesterday. Everyone is so very kind, and you are all truly appreciated.
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