Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


On a monday afternoon, Master Pink goes to visit the pink-in-laws. It is an event in Master Pink's week that he looks forward to very much, and really enjoys. It usually follows a similar routine. Picked up by "nanaandgrandpa" in "Grandpa's car" and then a visit to one of their favourite haunts. This is usually the duck pond, armed with a bag of dry bread or the stale crusts from todays sandwiches. Or sometimes it's a visit to the "red doors" by which Master Pink means the garden centre local to us, that has red sliding doors. "Magic doors" have always been a fascination to Master Pink right from his babyhood. Then it's time to play at Nana and Grandpa's house and chase Cassie the cat, or throw balls for her. In winter Master Pink will accompany his Grandpa around the "block" for a walk, or play games indoors with cars, coasters, plant pots or whatever else he can find. In summer Master Pink waters the garden, or visit Grandpa's "big garden" which is Grandpa's allotment, and he usually rides back in the wheel barrow surronded by lettuce or strawberries.
After play it's teatime, which is always fish fingers and beans, (his choice and only at Nana and Grandpa's). Then it's bath time, followed by a story or a bit of telly.
The journey home is spent checking the streetlights, telling Grandpa what colour the traffic lights are, and watching the railway gates go up or down. He might sing some songs with Nana or just snuggle up in his dressing gown and pj's and watch the twinkly stars.

Yesterday was Mother-pink-in-law's birthday and as I couldn't visit we saved the presents until today. Master Pink helped his Nana open her presents. VERY QUICKLY!

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