B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


Last night, the "kids" took off on the four-wheelers and go-kart in search of an old cemetery down the road. "Kids"... Me, BJ, Kaylee, Colby, Bob, Christine, Dustin and Drayke. What fun! When we left, it was sprinkling a bit, but a little rain never hurt anyone. When we arrived at the cemetery, the sprinkling turned into a full-on rain storm. Still, no worries. It was the ride back that was somewhat uncomfortable... stinging rain often felt like hail on our skin and in our eyes. Bob and I, riding together, laughed the entire way back to the house. Everyone drenched when we returned with stories to share and smiles on our faces!

Another great day spent with family, swimming with Emme and watching the dogs play. We are having so much fun!!

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