Scarecrow Wedding

Holdenhurst Village always hold some sort of scarecrow festival and this year it is a scarecrow wedding.

This tableau features a lovely bride and a rather vacant looking groom, both displaying gold wedding rings on their left hands.

On the left of the happy couple is the vicar partly obscured by the photographer (don't they always get in the way?), but resplendent in a red surplice. On the extreme left is a guest in a long, green, velvet dress.

On the right of the bridal bower is a man with an Afro hair style, festooned with telegrams from well-wishers.

Then we have an elegant couple and a boy with dreadlocks.

The photographer with his back to us, threatens to steal the show with his violent, yellow hair style, matching braces and red belt.

On this day, 17 July 1935, my parents were married.

I think they would love this tribute to them.

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