Growing old disgracefully



The obvious blip for today was the Queen's Baton Relay coming through our wee village this morning. I have no interest in sport, but I found the event quite moving, maybe because it was local and it was lovely to be out in the sunshine with our friends and neighbours, cheering on the runners. Unfortunately I missed the section when it was carried by one of our neighbours, Jane Egan.

However, my photos were not wonderful - got a bit too excited and forgot to change settings - so instead I give you the staggering interior of the Glasgow City Chambers, where I later attended a reception hosted by UNICEF, as a guest of my handsome brother. It was awe inspiring meeting Michaela Munro, one of the 'Flying Scots'. I also shook hands with Andrew O'Hagan and found myself stupidly telling him that he wasn't the only important person I knew who'd been born in Duke Street Hospital. Just as well I don't meet celebrities that often.

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