
We live in a beautiful city.

With really good ice-cream.

How lucky are we?

It's a while since I've had a choice of blips although you wouldn't be able to tell given I'm slacking but I couldn't really decide between three. I love them all. I'm finding that I'm focussing more on the light and the composition of my photos and I don't really give a shit about anything else. Whether I get the light and the composition right, of course, is a different kettle of fish altogether but it's the bit I like best. I think this is my new favourite photo. It's a shame I can't give her a copy. Thank you for all your love on it. x

Cam, Rory and I went for a wander up Blackford Hill via Luca's Ice Cream Shop in Morningside, in flip flops - me not them to watch the sun go down. We saw this lady on the way up. She made me smile. That's a big, old satisfied stance. It's a while since I've felt like that.

Sadly we didn't get that golden light on the Castle we were hoping for but we did get a fabulous view of the city, over to Fife and back down the coast to East Lothian.

It was as we were leaving I caught Cam taking a sneaky shot of me looking like a gimp so I stopped to see what he'd taken. Then I promptly stole his vision, minus my mop! Straight out of the camera! Ha!

Half a capital and half a country town, the whole city leads a double existence; it has long trances of the one and flashes of the other; like the king of the Black Isles, it is half alive and half a monumental marble.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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