Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


We had a very busy day today. We went to see Claire and her little boy Jesse who is 2 weeks old.
He's such a cutie and so small it's hard to remember the boys being that little.
We then popped to my mums on the way home and the boys got to try out their birthday present.

They are now 11 months old where is the time going.
We have mastered climbing and Isaac managed to get up three of the steps in Claire's house (I thought they'd gone a bit quiet).
We will give kisses when asked (but only if we feel like it)
Elliot has mastered Dadda and both boys are making sounds that sound like other words including bubba (bottles) cat, gone and my favourite nang nang no idea what nang nang means but it's said a lot!
We are fully on cows milk now and we love it. They won't hold their own bottles but are more than happy to have milk in the sippy cups.
They love feeding themselves and will only let me give them breakfast and deserts.
Our unaided standing is coming on well and once we've got it mastered I don't think it'll be too long before we get walking (help!!!)

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