
By Munroist4113

Windjama gorge

The trip is going well. Our truck has comfy bus seats and there is air con. We have 18 passengers ranging from a spoiled 16 year old travelling with her parents to Dad, the oldest. Mainly they are 20 or 30 something's, 7 men, 11 women. The group is working well together, though there is a Swiss/Frenchman who has very limited English. There is a German woman, a US woman teaching in Korea, and 3 Swiss, all booked independently of each other. The rest are Oz or Brits who have been working here a few years, Our guide/driver is splendid. We all help with chopping, cleaning up etc and have had great food considering it is cooked in only 2giant woks. Curry veg, Kangaroo steaks etc. We stop about an hour before camp to collect dead wood for our fire. Usually we don't reach camp till dark so that makes it a bit harder for me, stumbling around but so far the head torch is lasting out.
There is a freshwater crocodile in this pool so we did not swim after the walk there!

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