Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Bill's first Blip!

As I was working all day in Perth and hence outside our five mile world, Bill set off armed with camera, tripod and inspiration. He took Megan our black labrador along for companionship.................

Later this evening as we sit in our kitchen choosing which of his compositions to upload to our Blip album, he burst out laughing and said " Not bad for someone who is about to have BOTH cataracts removed!"

If this is a photo taken with two advanced cataracts, can you imagine what images we will be treated to with his fresh untrammelled vision

I love the fact that Blipping is now a shared activity as we sit together at the end of the day discussing which image to put on.Despite my frustrations and angst against a very slow internet connection and an ancient laptop.

"Rage against the machine"

Just brewed a pot of green tea....delicious!

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