Wha Daur Meddle Wi' Me?

According to a legend, an invading Norse army was attempting to sneak up at night upon a Scottish army's encampment. During this operation one barefoot Norseman had the misfortune to step upon a thistle, causing him to cry out in pain, thus alerting Scots to the presence of the Norse invaders. This is one reason given for the thistle being a symbol of Scotland.
There is also a moth in this photo as you may have noticed. It is a Burnet moth and is fairly common on sand dunes.
Burnet moths, unlike most others, come out in the daytime. Most are safe from attack by hungry birds because they taste horrible and are slightly poisonous - a fact that they advertise with their bright red spots. I wonder who tasted them!!
And that's the end of my blip lesson for today!
Soul track number six.
I'm not a huge Stevie Wonder fan but I bought this as a single and I still like it.
Enjoy the weekend when it comes.

Sent from my iPad

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