
By mar

If you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with rain.

I feel like I'm apologizing with every blip - but I *am* sorry for yet another repeat of the Rainbows but any blips from work or the PTFA meeting would have been even more boring.

Tonight in Rainbows we finally worked on the Blue Peter / Operation Smile Appeal ( by converting donated t-shirts into gowns to be used on Cleft patients in India. They had lots of fun decorating the t-shirts and coming up with their own designs.

Afterwards, they partook in Blindfold Sandwich making where they had to be blindfolded, then make a ham sandwich with minimal help. This was great fun then afterwards they were able to eat their sandwich!

Next Monday I will strive to do something exciting that is non-Rainbow related (but seriously, I wouldn't hold your breathe).

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