Potty, painting, pottering

Managed to sleep through the thunderstorm which by all accounts was pretty loud and rumbly!
Had a text from a friend inviting us for a walk, lovely chilled out walk as Charlotte and izzy were just happy to run on ahead and giggle, giving Ceri and I time to chat. Lush.

Home for lunch and then sleeps. As Charlotte slept I turned cardboard boxes into a boat ready to paint when she woke up. Spent ages trying to create a shady spot in the garden. Good fun was had painting the boat, but it was exceedingly hot. We headed in after a wash in the bowl!

Bought Charlotte an ikea circus tent off eBay. I've been coveting after one for ages and managed to buy one at a bargain price this week. Apparently when Charlotte saw it this morning she was very very excited. Put her potty into it today which she thought was super. Still not got poos sorted. Any suggestions welcome!

Went to the pub tonight, saw old friends we haven't seen in ages, lovely to catch up with them. Charlotte was delighted to see Lucy. When lee was home I asked him if he wanted to go to the p u b (spelling it out) Charlotte piped up, me come to the pub too!

Pictures are:
Wom smiling
Charlotte and Izzy on the walk
Charlotte painting her boat
Charlotte having a wash in the bowl
William conked out after a feed
Charlotte using the ensuite potty facilities

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