She's Lion...
Ah, good old Sir James Nail...
I know, I know, I've probably done this kind of shot a few too many times now, but after speaking to other Blippers tonight at Susie's Diner about the bike being a fall-back... Only two other shots of note today. Her Ladyship of Findhorn trying out StewartBremner's goggles; and a moody B&W shot from work.
Anyway, good to meet a number of people tonight. Let's see how well I can remember...
Random Rancid Rambles; His Wingpigness; Acronymphomania; Sweet Potato Sky; CanCarrier; the aforementioned Lady Findhorn; and StewartBremner; My Aim is True; Magpie; and last but not least Just Sitting.
Need to get back to words to go with the images tomorrow (as in coherent argumentative cathartic words, there are clearly words in this particular post, and some of them may even make sense), but for now a copy of the Ride Journal has popped through the door (a publication in the next issue of which I will have an article, woot!) and I shall be retiring to my bed with either that, or a book to finish, all ready for Tuesday morning (but safe in the knowledge that it's a three and a half day week).
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