Year 2, Day 179 - Just Another Day At The Office..

I have been a right lazy so and so this week... I have been getting Dale up in the morning to walk the dog for me... But I'm starting to feel the effects of being lazy!! She's out all day tomorrow so I'll have to get up and make the most of the day - although the forecast is rain all day tomorrow. I did so well while we were away last week (averaged 6 miles per day) and it all just went to pot when we came back...

I managed to get this shot while the sun was shining early on and before the wind picked up and it has been processed within an inch of its life - decided to watch some YouTube videos tonight and practice! However, my laptop is running slow again. Last time, I figured out that it was the number of TV shows and films I was storing in iTunes so I backed them up. Not sure what the issue is this time - perhaps all the photographs...

Aonghus is much better today but he is wary of the trampoline so he really must have hurt himself yesterday. The vet said he may be a bit bruised today...

Dale is at her dad's tonight so peace perfect peace - we've been niggling each other today. Mainly because I won't let her sit about all day watching TV!!! She wants some friends over for a "garden party" soon so I told her to get cracking in the garden and I have to say, she has done a pretty good job of getting rid of some more weeds - particularly a host of thorny tendrils that were taking over behind the shed...

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