Fading Ferocity

Just liked the ferocity of this sign and the peeling paint. Fading ferocity I thought. By now almost only a shrug of the shoulders: "I'll saw off your bike lock, if I can be bothered."

Many thanks for your views and comments on my skiing backblips.

Our very own 77 has uploaded his skiing backblips too - and here's me tacking some off piste!

Apologies in advance for the lack of commenting - a very busy week this week with work, visitors, dads to be classes (tonight "bathing baby" - the midwife took us up to the apres maternity ward and bathed a real [screaming] baby) (oh - apres maternity is, I suspect, just a bit different from apres ski...). Very good classes. A real taste of what's to come!

Full on cold too - so off to bed after a wee dram to toast the bard. Its medicinal don't you know.

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LOTD: Smithski's "Deep or Pretentious..." blip is fab - love the stillness, composition and motion blur.

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