An' cut you up wi' ready slight....

....trenching your gushing entrails bright like onie ditch.......get it up ye!!

Look away now if your idea of fine cuisine doesn't include sheep's heart, liver and lungs minced up with spices and simmered in the animal's stomach for three hours....I'm ashamed to say that I can never remember beyond the third verse of the address, but I had great fun running the poor creature through and watching the warm, reekin innards come spewing out; lovely. First time in my adult life that I've toasted the haggis with ginger beer instead of a fine malt, but I'm always open to new perversity.

Happy to have taken the shot of Joe which has been awarded Blip of the Week in recognition of Joe's considerable efforts and nowt to do with my photographic skills. Thanks anyway BlipCentraal.

Anyway, where was I?.....Ye Pow'rs wha mak mankind yur care,
And dish them oot their bill o'fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware that jaups in luggies,
But, if ye wish her gratefu' prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!

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