Light a candle

for the 298 passengers and crew of MH17, 192 of whom were Dutch. For a small country like The Netherlands that means that almost everybody will either know one of the victims of this attack or know somebody who is related to them. And think a bit of all those people touched by this act of violence.

The flying route is almost the same as flying from Amsterdam to Singapore, I've been in planes flying over the Ukraine countless of times when we lived in Singapore, so it feels very bizarre.

Thanks very much for your lovely comments on yesterday's 500th Blip, I'm really touched. I do hope you won't mind that I hardly ever leave replies on your comments. I do try to look all journals of the people I subscribe to every day and leave a comment there instead. But at the moment I never seem to be able to finish even that, I am really sorry. I do appreciate all your journals, it's just so great to see all these journals from every corner in the world and see what's happening in your life or region

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