The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jim's Pear Tree

What a lot of leaving! I was in the nursery today all day. First we had the nursery 'graduations' in the hall: there are nine leavers! A very lovely ceremony.
After lunch, there was a celebration for the staff who were leaving. They all opened all their presents in front of the whole school, so the ceremony went on a long time. Jim was one of the last to be presented: he's been a teacher there for 17 years and is retiring. I also see him at art classes outside of school, and he's been a friend of mine on Thursday play times. Together we would build huge wobbly towers of pink duplo, and then destroy them, to the delight of the children.

Jim was given, amongst other things, a pear tree for his garden, so after I'd finished playing water fights with the children, and putting the pirate themed toys away for another season. I went and blipped Jim putting the tree into his car. It went in rather well. After I'd left school for the last time this term. Jim beeped me at the traffic lights. There he was, driving past with the tree beside him, Shame I couldn't get another shot!

This evening Steve was going off to a meeting. I wanted to celebrate the end of term, so betook myself to the Cotswold Playhouse to see Madcap Theatre in Twelfth Night. It was fast and furious, and very hot in the auditorium! I loved the capering around once I'd remembered the plot. Costumes and staging were good, too.

Afterwards I plunged down several leafy lanes and shady alleys on the short cut home, startling several cats. Tonight, I am told, is going to be hotter than ever, maybe with an even bigger thunderstorm that one that split the skies asunder at 1am today.

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