one day in France

By Frenchtoast

He's here!

I didn't know what to blip today. The coypu which Millie had in her mouth and shook to death on our walk this morning? The mummy duck and eight little ducklings crossing our path in the park in Saintes where we went for lunch and a look round the sales?
Then Jim arrived. 8.20pm, ten minutes ahead of schedule, having cycled more than 300 miles from Caen. After 25 hours or so in the saddle, he was remarkably good humoured and stayed awake just long enough to eat, drink and shower before a huge thunderstorm started crashing about overhead. The power has gone off and so the only thing left to do now is go to sleep.
We are relieved and thankful he is here and amazed by his achievement. Here he is posing for photos, having wheeled his bike onto the new patio which we aren't supposed to be walking on yet!

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