After the storm

Had the most fabulous storm in the middle of the night. It kept me awake for about an hour, but I didn't really mind as it was so refreshing and the lightning was so prolific! Apparently there were 2000 flashes in 2 hours.

Another busy but thankfully less stressful day at work. By this afternoon I actually started in on my normal work for the first time this week. Had a good meeting with our new marketing manager this morning though.

This evening we had our neighbour Sue over for a couple of drinks, so that she could hand over all her neighbourhood watch coordinator stuff to me. Had a nice time chatting away, and she left just before another storm hit (luckily her walk home is only about 20 seconds!). I'm quite envious of everyone else's amazing photos of the crazy sky - I was just starting to cook our dinner, so couldn't run out and photograph it.

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