By wellsforzoe

Focused on Water

Early morning in Mzgora, Harisen , with the tape, looks to be measuring the depth of the water from the drill pipe.
He writes

Thanks for your mail
Ian is leaving on 21 July.
I will miss him, he is a hardworking and is a strong guy.
I will answer you more in the next mail
I will keep on praying for your health John.

Ian (Sutton) leaves tomorrow and Harisen will drive him to the airport, about 360Km (720Km round trip for Harisen).
I expect that they will leave about 4am.
He will be a huge loss to the water project and to the community in general.
His work with us will form part of what will be an excellent thesis for his Masters.
We wish him all the best as he is an amazing young man with a great future
Hopefully he will return to malawi soon, and maybe they will make him an honorary chief!
You may not have noticed a little one, top right, who has much more interesting things to do!!!

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