Rice Fields in the Monsoon

Green, green, green after the regular downpours. This was taken through the (public) bus window on our way from Battambang to Siem Reap in Cambodia. What a busy 'highway' it was! Hopefully better weather tomorrow so we can really enjoy what we came here to enjoy and admire!

In our boutique hostel room, we were able to watch -- unbelievable wonder of wonders! -- Dutch news broadcasts, including detailed and updated info on the MH17 bombing. My fave bro-in-law emailed us in reply to one of ours that he'd been worried we were in the fatal crash ... we value his caring thoughts loads. After all is said and done, it could have been our flight. We are intensely thankful that we've been allowed to grow a little older.

The scenes of mourning back home in The Neth are heartbreaking, though. We don't seem to have lost anyone we know, close to us or not, but oh! how sad and desolate for the grieving relatives.

I hope none of you lost anyone ...

And to think that some of the green rice paddies we drove by were part of the infamous Killing Fields. There are moments when I feel as though our holiday has become somewhat surreal.

PS. Thank you for your kind words yesterday. If you know anyone who lost anyone, please let them know you care.

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