At Bishop Wilton Show

A frustrating day!
Turned out early to get Miller in for the Farrier ( who should have come yesterday evening) he was again running late!!! by eight O'clock this morning. Missed the opportunity to go into York with the Sunbeam blipped yesterday , and would have caught bus back to attend the Show.
Did some shopping and other jobs the set off to the new show ground. The rain was by now persistent, developing to heavy with thunder reducing the show to a soggy going on. So wet in fact that I opted to leave the canon kit in the car and relied on the phone camera.
Did see a number of friends and an introduction to a fell blipper. The above is the very talented artist and fellow Photography Group member Catherine E Inglis doing a live workshop in the craft tent area.
An early blip today as we are off to the Gait Inn at Millington for a steak and some ale! so commenting may suffer again I am afraid ;)
Hoping your Saturday was a good one, take care one and all.

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