Misty rain clouds over Rodborough common

I felt wholly exhausted today, partly accounted for by yet another meeting last night from 6pm until 9pm to finalise details about the launch event next week, But also because of disturbed sleep after the deluge again after midnight accompanied by more thunderstorms which lasted long into the dawn. In fact there were intermittent pauses but the storms carried on until late afternoon.

I went out into the rain to top up the bird feeders as there many of the little birds flying up and going away empty handed in the difficult conditions. On returning to my desk to plug my computer back in, once the latest thunder storm had passed, I spotted some of these wonderful low lying clouds on the hilltops. They remind me of classic views of hilly regions where mists swirl, whether from China to Tuscany.

Because my best telephoto lens is sick, I picked up my old camera with a cheap lens on it to see what I could get. The rain was still tipping down and cars were driving down this hillside with their headlights on. This picture was taken out of my office window at 1-30pm in the afternoon. Not long afterwards i went to take a long bath and when the rain hadn't stopped I eventually retired to be for an afternoon snooze which lasted rather a long time. The sun has finally come out and it feels very hot as I sip the rather attractive Pimms drink that Helena has brought me. A very lazy day all in all, and all the better for that.

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