Every Picture Tells .....



Does anyone remember Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons?

The theme tune went something like this.......

They crash him, and his body may burn.
They smash him, but they know he’ll return,
To live again.

Well this was one of those "never loose your keys again" gadgets. You whistle and it gives off a high pitched bleep and lights up!

Bought for my daughter as a Christmas stocking filler in 2012 it was put in the man drawer after it went off in her school class. This week it developed a mind of its own and started bleeping and flashing again. It was consigned to the garden thrown out of the window but that didn't work as the blinking thing started again in the middle of the night.

A screwdriver through the loudspeaker failed to silence the it and in the end I took it apart and cut through the wires.

It still lights up and flashes just to annoy me!

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